

7:00p Doors

8:00p Opening Celebration

9:30p Go to Host Homes

10:15p Session One at Host Homes

12:00a Zzzz


9:00a Breakfast at Host Homes

10:00a Session Two at Host Homes

12:00p Lunch at First Moss Bluff

12:45p Worship Celebration

1:30p Session Three

2:30p Impact Fest / Breakouts

5:30p Dinner

6:30p Worship Celebration & Closing Challenge

8:30p Session Four & Commitment Session

9:30p Late Night

10:30p Go to Host Homes

11:30p Zzzz


*See times for the church you registered with

9:00a Go to church

9:30a Small Groups / Breakfast & Pictures

11:00a Impact Weekend Celebration